Welcome to Ekklesia Maui!

We are a community of individuals whose lives have been changed by the love of God and exist as a spiritual family to spread the gospel, make disciples of Jesus, and provide a place of love, hope, restoration, and belonging for those in need.

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"Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common."
Acts 4:33
Our Gatherings

Ekklesia doesn’t have a church building. We gather in all the places that we live our daily lives, because we believe that every time the believers of Jesus are gathered that we are having “church”. We gather regularly for fellowship, worship, prayer, and teaching of the Scriptures in homes, warehouses, churches, beaches, parks…and anywhere the Lord opens for us to assemble! Our gatherings change all the time, so check out our calender to find what’s coming up!

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